Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 09, 2013 – Check Up

After I wrote my last entry I contracted strep throat from Doc (one of the joys of being married to a pediatrician).  Doc had been working in the ER and saw a lot of strep throat last month and he had been sick, so it really wasn’t a big surprise.  With pain meds on board and sleeping only on my back I hadn’t really noticed the sore throat.  What I did notice, on the evening of my last post, was that I had a rash all over my stomach.  When I showed Doc he knew instantly what it was; a rash caused by strep.  Thankfully my doctor was able to call in a prescription for me so that I could start antibiotics Sunday morning.  I love my doctor.  I am extremely grateful that she was able to do that for me because by Sunday morning I started really feeling sick and by Monday I was miserable even after starting the antibiotics.  I can’t imagine if I had waited until Monday to see my doctor, which is what I would have done because I wasn’t sure it was serious enough for an ER visit and Doc was leaving for summer camp, so I was home alone.  After that I had to see my OB/GYN again because he wanted to make sure it wasn’t an allergic reaction to something in the operating room (it wasn’t).  It took an extra week to heal from the strep infection and it really took it out of me.  I am on my final day of antibiotics and the rash is finally starting to go away.  My stomach is mostly clear, but my arms still have it.  Doc thinks I may have also picked up a virus to go with it because I still have some sore throat and congestion, but the fever has been gone for several days now and I can go for a walk without feeling like I am about to pass out.  J

We saw the OB/GYN today for our post op follow up.  The incisions are healing well.  He made fun of me for always being the patient with weird stuff happening and we all laughed.  He asked where we wanted to go from here and we told him we are just going to not worry about it for a bit.  I am continuing to take the prenatal vitamins and all the other vitamins they asked me to while we were trying.  We will continue to have unprotected sex, but we just aren’t going to stress about cycles and counting or ovulation tests for a while.  My doctor thought that was the perfect plan, so we were all in agreement.  This was the best decision for us right now and we are happy with it.  The last 2 years haven’t been easy, they have actually been pretty stressful, and Doc and I are ready for a break.  We realized that we are able to enjoy our time together a lot more without this constant worry hanging over our heads.  J


  1. Enjoy your break. It's amazing how much more fun sex is when it's spontaneous, with no worries about meds, timing or anything but enjoying each other. Glad you're recovered from surgery and strep. *hugs*

  2. Time to put the stress and worry down for awhile and enjoy. It's the best medicine I know.


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