Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012 - Less Than 2

It is official!  My HCG is less than 2, which is considered officially 0!  We now have 3 months of chilling out before we can try again.  In an interesting doctor’s order, we have to use contraception for the next 3 months.  Seems a little redundant given our inability to get pregnant without the use of fertility drugs, but whatever.  This does mean that we have until September before we can try again.  It is hard to wait after all we have gone through, but we want a healthy pregnancy and we know my doctor is being cautious because he also wants us to have a healthy pregnancy.  So, we will wait!  I am not sure how much I will be writing during this time, but I will keep everyone up to date with any news we have during this time.  Doc and I are using the time to make sure we are ready when September comes.  Dental visits, checkups, and some allergy testing for me.  I only need to get my HCG levels checked once a month, so hopefully my arms will begin to heal up.  While the waiting will be hard, we were happy to hear that my HCG finally came down! J


  1. Thank you, Laura! I really appreciate your support. Here is hoping we have a nice and quiet summer. :)


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